As previously announced, we are reorganizing care that will allow us to increase the presence of P.A.B. with residents.

To do this, we need to increase the number of hygiene care provided during the day shift. We have planned renovation work in our therapeutic bathrooms to transform them into showers for residents.

The new showers were to be delivered in July, unfortunately, we encountered problems with the availability of construction supplies. Since the showers will not be available in time, we must postpone the deployment of the changes.

We are therefore targeting September 4th for the deployment of the new structure.

Last week we completed an important project that began last year when the collective agreement was renegotiated. We have indeed reviewed the provision of care by the P.A.B. on the units and have put in place a process that will allow us to increase their presence with the residents.

As of July 10, 2022, the number of P.A.B. on the day shift will increase from 4 to 5 per living environment. This will allow each P.A.B. to offer care to only 5 or 6 residents instead of 7 to 8.

By comparison, the ratios required in public centers are 6 to 7 residents per P.A.B.

To achieve this end, we reviewed all the positions held by unionized employees and proceeded to a complete redistribution of these positions. This means that it may be that from July 10, new (masked) faces will provide you with care. Don’t worry, even though these people will be new to you, they are experienced members of our team. Give you and them time to get to know you.

The other change we need to implement is the showers. Since we have eliminated the P.A.B. position that overlapped the day and evening shifts, we will have to take away some workload from the evening P.A.B. to allow them to be more present with the residents.

As a result, we will no longer be able to give showers in the evening.

We are aware that this will create inconvenience for some residents, and we ask them to come and talk to us about it so that we can find an alternative solution.

We would like to thank the union representatives and their members for their cooperation throughout this process. In the short term, we hope that this will improve service to residents and that it will help stabilize the workforce and decrease the use of agencies or overtime.

For those who are not aware of the situation, our neighbors have undertaken major renovations.

In the coming days, a trench will be dug and support will be driven into the land adjacent to our center. Thereafter, the construction of their new building will begin.

This will cause inconvenience in terms of noise and certain vibrations. We have ensured the cooperation of the construction company, but compliance with established standards is not our responsibility.

If for some, the inconvenience caused by this work proves to be too disturbing, we invite you to contact the City of Westmount to file a complaint.

Unfortunately, we cannot do more to ensure the peace of our residents than the efforts already made.

We thank you for your understanding.

It seems that the news site “Global News” used archived footage shot at the C.H.S.L.D. Château Westmount during the award ceremony of the medal of the National Assembly to fill downtime in their report on the poor conditions imposed on foreign workers with temporary permits.

We would like to clarify that we do not have any foreign workers with such work permits. This report was in no way related to our establishment.

In addition, we never allowed Global News to record shots where residents were visible and identifiable. We contacted Global News to express our outrage at this situation and asked them to remove the video.

We are currently awaiting their response.

Our privacy policy prohibits such a practice. And even though the situation is out of our control, we are very sorry and we are actively trying to correct it.

If any of you wish to express your dissatisfaction, we invite you to contact Global News.

Thank you for your understanding

Update [2022-04-12]

Global News was contacted and agreed to remove images of Château Westmount which had initially been included in a report. Thank you for your understanding.

We currently have an outbreak of gastroenteritis in 3 of the 4 living environments.

We, therefore, ask visitors to limit their presence in the establishment for a few days.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you cannot come to Château Westmount:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps

Group activities are suspended until the end of the outbreak.

We take this opportunity to remind everyone that only soap and water are effective for hand washing in the case of gastroenteritis.

The families of symptomatic residents will be contacted by Château staff.

Thank you for your cooperation.

We are absolutely not in the same situation as the CHSLDs of the Arbec Health Group. The transfer of residents to the emergency room due to a lack of staff is not a solution that could be considered and even less implemented.

If some of you have read the article in the newspaper “La Presse” [web link]  about the difficulty of private CHSLDs in keeping their workforce, we would like to reassure you.

Our use agencies staff is minimal. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have concluded exclusive contracts with certain agencies that have made it possible to stabilize the staff on the floors.

The majority of shifts are filled by our own staff. The costs of the agencies are therefore not an issue for us. In addition, for some time now, the financial support provided by the government has made it possible to increase the hiring of new employees.

It is true that we are in discussions with the Ministry of Health and Social Services regarding the funding of the staff (managers excluded) to equalize their salaries with those of the employees of the public.

We will not publicly discuss the contents of these discussions or the planned scenarios. On the other hand, we would like to point out that we are not one of the 3 CHSLDs selected as a pilot project for a transformation as a “conventionné”.

In 2021, the government announced its desire to contract the remaining 39 private CHSLDs in Quebec, and this wish was reiterated recently during a videoconference. But we do not know more than the rest of the population, the avenues and the outcomes of their plan and no timetable has been given to us. We will therefore not be able to answer your questions on this subject.

The precariousness of staff affects all sectors in Quebec and health is no exception. We are proud at CHSLD Château Westmount to be able to count on a very strong core of employees that has allowed us to get through the pandemic without any service breakdown and that allows us to look to the future serenely.

The quality of care for residents is a constant concern for all members of our team and it is this quality that is the basis of the reputation of the CHSLD Château Westmount. We will continue to provide impeccable care while maintaining the same level of service you are used to.

When we have more information on the reform of CHSLDs, we will keep you informed. You are not only our customers but also our partners.

Following yesterday’s announcements by the Quebec Minister of Health, we would like to clarify the situation.

What hasn’t changed:

  1. Wearing a mask remains MANDATORY at all times.
  2. Tours are limited to 1 person at a time for a maximum of two per day.
  3. Visitors only have access to the resident’s room.
  4. The vaccination passport is still mandatory and will remain so until March 14.

What has changed:

Residents can now leave the Château for temporary leave. On the other hand, we suggest that the resident wears a mask when going outside.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As soon as further restrictions are lifted by the government, we will notify you immediately. You can consult Quebec’s government site for more details information.

Following Premier Legault’s announcement, we are under the obligation to tighten the measures in place for visitors and residents in order to reduce the risk of the outbreak of  COVID-19 and the new variant.

We must now ask residents to wear masks when they leave their rooms.

  • Visits will now be limited to 1 person at a time for a maximum of 4 different people per day. This includes private sitters.
  • Visitors will no longer have access to the common areas. They will only have access to the resident’s room and lobby. This includes private sitters
  • All visitors must be doubly vaccinated. This includes children. Visits by children under the age of 5 will not be permitted until further notice.


People who do not respect this instruction will have their visiting privileges withdrawn. We have had several visitors who have violated this guideline. We are sorry but we need to be firmer in the future to avoid another outbreak.

These new directives enter effect on Monday, December 20, 2021

With the uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 situation, we will need to change the way we hold our annual meeting. We normally hold an annual meeting with team members, the local Complaints Commissioner, residents, and their family members in December.

This year, in compliance with infection prevention and control measures, the face-to-face meeting will only be open to residents. We will offer, however, family members who wish to attend the meeting an online version.

Since we will not be able to set up the technical equipment required for December, we will therefore postpone this meeting to January. As soon as we are able to confirm it, we will give you the date.

Thank you all and see you soon.

In these difficult times, we believe it is necessary to renew the promise we made to you when you or your loved one moved into Château Westmount.

We are present 24 hours a day, seven days a week to bring not just quality care, but also human warmth, comfort, and for family members, peace of mind. To achieve this, we not only rely on dedicated and heartful employees and also very competent, but we rely on our most important partner…. you.

It is by being able to establish common goals that we will be able to meet the unique expectations and needs of each resident. We are proud to proclaim loud and clear that our care is personalized because we firmly believe it. Our living environments reflect this commitment, and we can easily see it by looking at the smiles and fulfillment of our residents.

Some of you may have read the article published on December 11th, 2021, in the  Gazette newspaper. We are sad to see the interpretation of some of the experiences of the spouse of one of our former residents. Grief is a process that takes us in various directions. Our thoughts are with him and his family. We have always had an open approach with families and residents, and we are available to answer questions or dissatisfactions.

We are proud of the care and services we provide, and we suggest to families who wish it, the installation of a camera. If you have any questions regarding legal limitations or if you need help with installing one,  do not hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to know more about our end-of-life care or if you would like to receive information on the accompaniment of bereaved caregivers, please contact the nurse of the living environment of the resident.

For those who would like to comment on the article, we invite you to contact The Gazette via their comments section.

We wish everyone a happy holiday season filled with peace and health.

Link to the article in The Gazette