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Higher Quality. More Comprehensive. Better Served.


A Hallmark of Professional Care

Since 1990, Château Westmount has offered permanent accommodation and assistance services to adults with physical or cognitive loss of autonomy.


Founded in 1986, Chsld Château Westmount is the oldest private Chsld in Quebec. Bought in 1987 by Dr. Villeneuve, it remained under the Villeneuve family management. A great stability of the staff, the General Manager has been in office for 12 years and the average seniority of the employees is 8 years. A long history of partnership with the public sector, from 2010 to 2015 with the Agence de santé et services sociaux de Montréal and from 2018 with the CIUSSSS Centre-Ouest- de l’île-de-Montréal.


Château Westmount is a private, unfunded CHSLD whose main mission is to provide an alternative living environment as we continually strive to improve quality. As stated in our code of ethics, our values are mutual respect, the integrity of our team members, solidarity, and trust.

Our mission is based on a psychosocial and interdisciplinary approach in which residents and their families are the main actors.


Our vision of the substitute living environment is to recreate a living space for YOU, one that is adapted to the needs and desires of each person living here with a loss of autonomy, while having to compose with the constraints of group living. This challenge leads us to respect the decisions of each resident by taking into account physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. We favour an individualized and personalized approach that fosters freedom, tolerates differences, and is organized to create a warm and welcoming living environment in the image of “home”.

Château Westmount – Promotional Video 2023 | Watch it in French.


Years of experience


Residents Served


Private Rooms


Availability & Support


Staff Members

Living Environment Approach

The relationship with residents in their living environment at the CHSLD

Our care philosophy is based on a vision of aging as being a LIFE stage.

– Creating a living environment requires heart, and it is everyone’s business. –

Our Values

Respect is the cornerstone of our values. It has the highest priority over any other.

This is the basis of our interactions with our partners. Whether with residents, their families, our employees, or our service providers, respect dominates our approach, our connections, and our vision of the other. It is respect for residents’ beliefs and decisions that determines our “living environment approach” and allows the resident to thrive free of any judgment.

The Resident

Every person living in a residential facility is first and foremost a person with abilities, needs, and particularities. They are all part of a family, have a social network, and belong to a cultural, ethnic, and religious community. All of these components make them a “unique entity”.

The relationship with the senior, and with his or her family and friends, is at the heart of our organization and activities in our living environment.

Our Relationship

Our philosophy is based, among other things, on the respect and integrity of persons. It is expressed in the vision of aging persons who continue to grow.

As elderly persons are not always able to meet their own needs, our relationship with them is one of accompaniment, listening, support, sharing, and fostering autonomy in response to the needs that they cannot meet. Our response to the needs and expectations of residents is the basis of all our decisions and is done in full respect of the fundamental rights of the elderly as integral citizens.

Medal of Honour

Our staff receives the National Assembly Medal of Honour during the pandemic.

– Globalnews.ca

Honoured for Resilience

CHSLD Château Westmount is honoured for its resilience during the pandemic.

– Montreal Gazette

Simply put, the quality and extent of services offered at Château Westmount is unparalleled. We wanted to make sure we could get our mother the best possible care, and this is where we found it.

— Harry Rosenstein, son of Château Westmount resident

Our News

Read the latest news and announcements from Château Westmount.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to our dear residents, family members and care givers ! Wishing you all a day filled with love, laughter and fun!   From the Château Westmount team
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IMPORTANT MESSAGE : Closure of 5th floor

Due to an increase in cases of COVID on the 5th floor, the unit is closed for an undetermined period of time. Residents are confined to the floor. To limit moving residents in the facility. Meals will be taken on the floor. Activities are…
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During this festive period when gatherings are frequent, we ask that you pay special attention to the guidelines below.    If you have symptoms of an infection or illness, avoid visiting your loved one. Minimize the number of visitors. …

Heartwarming Article

A close friend and caregiver of one of our residents composed a heartwarming article titled ''November or Life at the Château'' which was published in Westmount Independant. We cannot thank our caregivers, friends and family members enough…

Wishing Dr. Paul Lysy a fabulous retirement!

The CHSLD Château Westmount team would like to thank Dr. Paul Lysy for his dedication to the residents, their families, and employees. Dear Dr. Lysy, you have never counted your hours, you have always been there for our residents, and you…