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Today was the beginning of the visits to the garden. We can say that it has been a rewarding experience for all.

Some people have asked us why we put a 45-minute limit. It is because we must disinfect all the facilities with a peroxide spray.

The video shows one of our maintenance workers disinfecting one of the regular tables (there are six places to disinfect every hour).

Thank you for your understanding.

Finally, this is the long-awaited moment, we will open the garden for visits from family members starting Monday, June 15, and this, seven days a week (7/7). On the other hand, there will be rules that you will have to follow.

  1. As with video conferencing, you will need to register in advance via an online booking schedule, the time slots for visits are 45 minutes. We must allow 15 minutes between each visit to disinfect the tables.
  2. A maximum of two visitors per resident will be accepted, in order to respect the social distance required by Public Health;
  3. Hand washing and the wearing of the mask and gloves that will be given to you at the entrance to the garden is mandatory;
  4. There will be no contact with residents;
  5. If you bring gifts, you will have to leave them at the main entrance for disinfection, they will be given to the resident later;

You must understand that our residents are still at risk. Having had no contamination inside our walls, they do not have antibodies to protect them. We have therefore developed these measures to allow the families and our residents to be closer together without sacrificing their health.

In addition, since the visits will allow up to six (6) families at the same time, we will have to reduce the number of videoconferencing. We will only have one tablet assigned to Zoom conferences (so 1 employee) per day during the week. In order not to penalize anyone, we will cancel the meetings already booked for June 15 and subsequent dates. Those who still wish to take advantage of this mode of communication will have to re-book a date on the calendar.

Please note that the web address of the calendar has changed. You can go to the new calendar by clicking here or by copying this link in your web browser:


See you soon

We are preparing for the opening of the garden for residents’ visits scheduled for June 15. This means that we need to change the availability of video conferencing and prepare a new booking schedule for visits.


Booking schedules for video conferences and garden visits will be back in service shortly.

Thank you for your patience

It would seem that some pages of the English version of the Blog were not posted automatically. We are sorry for this inconvenience and we can assure you that this issue has been corrected and that from now on, the posts will be released at the same time in the French and English versions.

We are almost ready to start the visits from family members in the garden of the Château. We are only waiting for the reception of a marquee that will allow holding these meetings even when the weather is not cooperating.

To help us prepare for these meetings we would like you to fill out a 2-question survey that will allow us to know the preferences of families for visiting hours.

You can complete the survey by clicking here

See you soon

We have good news.

Following a ministerial request, we screened all residents of our CHSLD. Although this only represents a snapshot at the time we did the tests, they continue to confirm that we are on track because we have not detected any carriers of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

This doesn’t mean we are ending our screening protocol. We will continue to screen all residents who may present symptoms or residents in preventative isolation following a stay outside the centre.

Our very severe prevention measures have proven to be effective and that is why we will continue to apply them rigorously. This perfect score reflects the efforts of all our staff.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

It is with great regret that we must notify you of the departure of Mrs. Salvina Astorino, our activities technician.

Salvina has advised us that she is taking a well-deserved retirement. We will organize, when the deconfinement allows it, a farewell party for her.

Please note that we cannot maintain video conferencing during holidays.

The staff who take care of bringing the tablets to the residents and connecting you are not working on these days.

If you had booked time slots on June 24 or July 1, we will have to cancel them.

Thank you for your understanding.

We were all very surprised to see the name C.H.S.L.D. Château Westmount appears in the list of the Quebec Ministry of Health (MSSS) indicating that we had had one (1) death related to COVID-19.

We can reassure you. THIS IS A MISTAKE ON THEIR PART.

We send statistics to the MSSS on a daily basis and it would appear that there has been an error in transcribing the data. And yes, they rewrite all the numbers received by all C.H.S.L.D. and residences, by hand in a system of their own.

Unfortunately, we had three (3) residents who have died since March, but none of them died from COVID, even though they had all been tested before their deaths.

Our sympathies and condolences go out to their families.

We hope that when the list is published the next time, this error will be corrected.

Quebec Health Ministry – Covid information

We have all heard the May 5th announcement regarding visits by caregivers to seniors’ residences and C.H.S.L.D. as of May 11th, 2020.

While we are aware of the importance of visiting significant people for our residents, we do not share the government’s view on the timeline.

The situation in Montreal is far from being under control, the figures tell us that we are on the “plateau” of the curve.

We are currently developing a strategy to allow meetings between residents and their loved ones while limiting the risk of contamination.

You must understand that you are not just putting your loved one at risk if you come to visit him but the 112 residents of the Château and its employees. This virus is highly contagious and spreads extremely rapidly in healthcare facilities like ours.

Once our strategy is finalized, we will publish the details. It will include the categories of people who may come (young children will not be allowed at the beginning), the prerequisites (no symptoms, test result, etc.), and how this will be done.

We do not plan to implement these measures until at least this summer. The date has not yet been decided. This will depend on the progression of the disease in the metropolitan area.

All of our decisions are based on ensuring the safety of residents. We are sorry for the inconvenience this causes you. We are aware that these times are difficult but we have managed, with drastic measures, to avoid the deaths and the hecatomb that have suffered other C.H.S.L.D., we want to continue on this momentum and maintain an environment free of COVID-19.

We would also like to point out that we have developed a visitation protocol for residents receiving end-of-life care.

Thank you all for your understanding and collaboration. We could not achieve these results without your support.