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To cheer up our residents our chef put his magic to work and concocted small desserts that have nothing to envy to the biggest restaurants.

For an unknown reason, the English version of the blog was not sent out. We are sorry for this technical problem. Please find below the English version that should have been sent last week.

Many of you will probably say out loud FINALLY.

Yes, we are resuming visits to the Oasis as well as video conferencing starting Monday, January 18th.

The terms and conditions will be the same as before the COVID-19 outbreak.

You can already book your videoconferencing or visiting beaches via the link:


For those who do not have access to a computer and want to come and visit, you can contact the front desk. Please note that the reception will not be able to book video conferencing for you.

In addition, residents will be able to start eating in the RC dining room again next Monday.

We remind you that we are still in confinement, so it is mandatory to wear the mask, and no physical contact with the residents is allowed (distancing of 2 meters required).

See you soon…. in the Oasis or via Zoom.

Although the Montreal area has gone red we will keep in place the visits at the Oasis, however, in connection with the recommendations of Public Health, we will have to reduce the number of visitors to one (1) per resident per visit as of October 1st, 2020.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you for your understanding.

Several people contacted us to inform us that the booking schedule was coming to an end with the month of September.

Do not worry, the calendar allows bookings until December 21st for now. We may need to review accessibility to visits as recommended by Public Health if the situation progresses in Montreal.

When you log in, bookings for the current month only will appear. You will need to change the month by clicking on the arrow to the right of the month to change this one.


We have extended the booking from the visits calendar until December 21, 2020. This will allow us to plan the holiday schedule.

We also have modified the videoconferencing schedule. From now on, the videoconference will last 45 minutes, the same length as the visits. Don’t forget that a maximum of three connections can take place at the same time.

Videoconferences already reserved in the previous format (20 minutes) will be kept on the schedule.

Remember that if you have a cold, gastro, or COVID symptoms you cannot show up for visits.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Yes, autumn is upon us. We understand that it will be difficult to hold the visits in the garden.

To remedy this, we have redesigned the Oasis to accommodate families’ visits.

Starting Monday, September 14, you will have to cross the garden and enter through the side of the Oasis. We have also dedicated a toilet that will be reserved for visitors.

The same rules will continue to apply, and visitors will not be allowed to walk inside the Castle.

Thank you all for your collaboration.

We finally resumed all our activities at the Château.

Indeed, zootherapy, music therapy, and other activities are all back.

The concerts have been held throughout the summer and will continue for throughout the month, but they will be held indoors in the lobby.

We are also happy to announce that we have new arrivals among our staff. We have a new clinical nutritionist, Anastasia Roumbas, and a new recreation manager, Amanda Rasoolzadeh.

You can reach Ms. Rasoolzadeh at extension 219.

We started our deconfinement plan last week with the reopening of our hairdresser’s service and the beginning of garden visits.

We are pleased to announce that this week we are resuming the massage therapy and foot care service. It was a bit longer to plan the reopening of these services because we had to validate some additional safeguards with the professionals involved.

Good day to all.

Our nurses are busy and often, despite their goodwill, they can’t free themselves when you call them. To facilitate communication for the small non-urgent questions, we suggest you contact them by email.

The email addresses vary depending on the care floor of the resident, here is the list:

2nd floor care2@chateauwestmount.ca
3rd floor care3@chateauwestmount.ca
4th floor care4@chateauwestmount.ca
5th floor care5@chateauwestmount.ca

We made a mistake during the development of the visit’s reservation calendar. Indeed, the time slot from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. arrives in the middle of supper time for the residents.

Therefore, we have to cancel all reservations for this time. A new time slot from 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. has been created. We invite families who have already booked at 5:00 p.m. to re-register in the 4:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. slot.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.